Monday, 19 November 2012

Filming: Location Shots

Today, Toby has gone around the locations where we have been filming again to take photos fro use as potentionial covers for our upcoming digipak and also to be used during the editing process to make sure that we have managed to capture all of the petentional of using these locations to film.
These benches have been used for the scenes when our main characther is relaxing on one of the benches and staring into the sky wondering about life outside of earth and of how boring our planet is. The reason why we have chosen this location to shoot this scene is because this area is meant to be influenced by the cold realistic background settings of the Fluorescent Adolescent song I researched a while ago. The main influences from the video that I have used is the fact that we chose a cold damp day to film the outdoor scenes to define the intentionally- boring tone of the first act of the video.
These dark Ludlow town alleyways were ideal for shooting scenes consisting of the main characther walking up and down the alleyway while thinking about his life. It's been often repeated throughout the fim-making process that shadows can create atmosphere if used do define character and locations. In the case of our video, the shadows are meant to reflect the mood of our character as he is thinking about what to do with his life.
Our video is going to start off inside the Ludlow College refectory where our main characther is watching tv, reading a magazine and drinking beer. We were originally going to use a pub, but due to time and one of our group members leaving we had to cut back on some of our ideas. This scene was difficult to get right as the tone we were trying to go with, which was a gloomy dark-lit atmosphere that were hoping to go with if we had shot the scenes in the bar were downplayed by the refectories brightly yellow colour and the fact that we couldn't turn the TV off due to a group of students wanting to watch it which made it hard for myself to focus on my tasks.
These two outdoor locations are going to be used in the scene where our main character manages to find the blueprints of a spaceship in his bag and runs off to his house to build the ship. These locations were shot in a more brighter side of the town located next to the castle to emphasise the change in tone from gloomy and dreary to bright and quirky when he finds the blueprint papers.

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