Monday, 19 November 2012

Filming: Production Offically Begins!

I am proud to announce that filming has officially begun on our music video! So far we have been filming for a week starting on 12th November and have managed to film the opening sequence of the storyboard where our main character is walking down the street, sitting down on a bench, getting the ideas for building his spaceship and starting to build it in his backyard on Monday. On Wendesday 14th , we managed to film several shots of our paper spaceship landing on the moon against a 50 foot black background provided by myself. This will be the only scene where me and Toby will not be on the set. Today on Monday 19th we have filmed footage of myself playing the guitar during the sequence where the video cuts to the band playing our featured song "Moon"
In two days time, on 21st November, we will start working on our preformance which will consist of not only me and Toby playing instruments, but will also feature sevarel other people that Toby has persuaded to stand in as extras and other band members during the musical preformance of our band. The deadline is this Friday so wish us luck to get this finished and ready for editing.

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