Thursday, 1 November 2012

Research & Planning: Post on Creativity

1. Creativity is the ability to design something new using your imagination skills. the term often refers to a richness of ideas and originality of thinking. According to Albert Einstein “Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.”
2. Although I have been trying to be as creative as possible by using both powerpoint and word to present my blog posts and throughout my pitch I have come up with some interesting ideas about how my group could present and film our video such as working out that since the song is called Moon, it should be set on the moon in space which works as the challenge of how to visually represent it, I could improve my creative level by trying out other programs such as Prezi to present any future ideas, I could redesign the layout of my blogs to give them more of a stylish presentation and I could research a wider range of different music videos, films, etc. to get ideas from the designs, the choreography and the editing techinques used.
3. Nobody knows where creativity comes from, but that doesn't stop people from trying to gain answers. According to Loris Malaguzzi, "Creativity seems to emerge from multiple experiences, coupled with a well-supported development of personal resources, including a sense of freedom to venture beyond the known." So, where does creativity come from? Well I don’t know but one thing is absolutely certain, it is a magical thing.
4. The main goal of creativity, is to gain an audience and to try and come up with something orginal and different to get them interested into the stories told and the visuals experienced. For example,you need to create a good storyboard, prepare props and costumes, recored the score and think carefully about location shots. Equally the use of lighting and editing is vital to the creative process to create a sense of magic.
Creativity depends on people taking chances,and even if they don't know, they will try to have an attempt. They should not be frightened of being wrong, which is not the same as being crazy by the way, but if they are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original. If not, they could lose the capacity to think originally as they become older.
Creativity is diverse, we think about the world as we experience it. We think visually, we think in sound, we think in kenetics, we think in abstract terms, we think in movement, secondly creativity is dynamic, if you look at the interactions of the human brain, intelligence is wonderfully interactive. The brain is divided in compartments. In fact creativity which I define as of having orginal ideas that have value more often than not which comes from the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things.
I definitely agree with the need to be creative as I firmly believe that you cannot stay with the same formula for too long. You need to keep your ideas fresh and try to deliver a stunning visual experience, while keeping your audence interested and entertained at the same time.
After watching the Howcast video about being creative, I agree that I need to get more sleep while trying to come up with ideas about my music video or any other media-realeted projects I may do in the future as I only get about 6-7 hours sleep in the night. When stuck with a project during a college holiday or weekend, I usally do my own stuff in the day and do my work at night which helps to keep my mind alive with new ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Charlie, please avoid posting long blocks of text. Split this post up by including relevant images - which reflect the points that you are making.
